Help! I lost my (my child's) State of Louisiana Birth Certificate!
Note: Northwest Driving Academy's policies and procedures are subject to change at the discretion of Northwest Driving Academy without prior notice.
1. Is NW Driving Academy a State of Louisiana approved Commercial Driving School?
Northwest Driving Academy and all of our Instructors are Approved and Certified by the State of Louisiana. We have a very high rating among our students and work diligently to offer our excellent training at a reasonable and competitive price!
2. This is all new to me. What is the Graduated License Program (GLP)?
Northwest Driving Academy will sponsor a Parent Orientation Meeting prior to your Teen's class in which the different aspects of the process will be explained. Prior to enrollment, visit the Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles website: for more info.
3. What is a TIP Card?
The TIP, Temporary Instruction Permit is required by law for participation in a Drivers Ed course in Louisiana. This requirement applies to Adult and Teen students alike. The student must have a TIP card number in order to be registered to take the OMV computerized test (administered by NW Driving Academy), at the end of the classroom portion; as well as in order to participate in the Behind-the-Wheel training.
More info about the Temporary Instruction Permit (TIP) Card.
4. How old does my teen have to be to take the Teen Permit Class?
Students attending the classroom portion must be at least 14 years and 9 months and no older than 17 years old on the first classroom day.
Students must be 15 to participate in the Behind-the-wheel portion of Driver's Education.
5. Is NW Driving Academy's class for true "Beginners"?
We SPECIALIZE in Training Beginner to medially trained students; We are SKILLED in training EVERYONE!
6. How many hours is the Driver's Education course? How often does NW Driving Academy have classes?
Teen permit course is 30 hours classroom, and 8 hours Behind-the-wheel.
Adult class is 6 hours classroom, and 8 hours Behind-the-wheel.
We have Teen Permit classes during most local public school breaks, and throughout the summer. We do not offer classroom portions or BTW training for public school students during hours while school is in session.
7. What if my Teen misses a day of the classroom portion?
See our Cancellation and Refund Policy HERE.
8. How much is the course?
Teen Permit Course
Adult Driver's License Course
Road Skills Test (aka "Road Test"
NOTE: The Road Skills Test IS NOT part of Driver's Education. Because students may not be eligible to take the Road Test for a year (or longer), Road Test fees will not be charged until the test is scheduled.
9. How do I pay the Course Fee? Can I pay online?
Once your teen's Pre-Enrollment form has been submitted, you will be automatically redirected to Northwest Driving Academy's checkout page. You may pay the down payment portion, or the full course fee. We process payments through PayPal, however, you DO NOT need a PayPal. If you prefer to pay by major debit/credit card, you may select that option during the checkout process.
10. Can I pay a "down payment" and pay the rest later or via a Payment Plan?
Adult Classes: At least $155 is due upon submitting the Enrollment form (Note: Must be paid within 24-hours of submitting the Enrollment form. The CASH balance is due day of the classroom portion (before class begins).
Teen Permit Classes: At least the $225 classroom portion/Down Payment is due upon submitting the Enrollment form (Note: Must be paid within 24-hours of submitting the Enrollment form. Cash Balance will be collected at the Parent Orientation meeting (Note: If we do not have an onsite Parent Orientation meeting for your teen's class, parents will be notified of alternative means for paying the course fee balance, which will be due the MONDAY before the first day of the classroom portion. If the class starts on Tuesday, due to a Monday holiday, the balance is due the Monday PRIOR to the week of the class.
11. What is meant by "Behind-the-Wheel" portion?
Louisiana law requires that each first-time drivers license applicant completes a Driving Course which must include 8 hours behind-the-wheel (driving). The BTW part is "hands-on" training with one of our State Certified Driving Instructors typically consisting of (4) 2-hour Drive Sessions.
12. What if I have to cancel a Behind the wheel session?
See our Cancellation and Refund Policy HERE.
13. Will there be other students in the vehicle with me (my child) during the Behind-the-Wheel training?
Our Lessons are 1:1 private Lessons unless the Adult student or Parent of a minor student requests otherwise. NWDA's course fee includes the Classroom portion, as well as the 8-hours Behind-the-Wheel training.
14. What if I have to cancel the Road Skills Test?
See our Cancellation and Refund Policy HERE.
15. Is there a deadline on completing the 8 hours Behind-the-wheel portion?
The Behind-the-wheel portion is highly dependent on the student's personal schedule and flexibility. As much as possible, Northwest Driving Academy works with our students to develop a tentative drive session schedule which works around the student's important commitments such as school activities, college, and work. Completion of the BTW portion may be delayed if there is a balance on the student's account.
Teen Permit students
[Per State of Louisiana requirements: Students will be provided with an 8-hour BTW schedule in which the final 2-hour session will be dated no longer than 120 days from the end of the classroom instruction. Once the schedule is offered and accepted, it is the responsibility of the minor student's parent/guardian to adhere to the accepted drive schedule, or contact the driving school as far in advance of the drive session as possible to request changes.
Refunds for Behind-The-Wheel Portion:
If a Behind the wheel Schedule is offered to the student/parent that is within the required time frame, the BTW portion of the course fee is NON-REFUNDABLE. If the BTW portion is not completed within the 120 days due to student's no show/cancelation, this will simply be reflected in the student's record. See Important Info regarding Expiration of the BTW enrollment below.
Adult Driver's License students
[Per State of Louisiana requirements: Students will be provided with an 8-hour BTW schedule in which the final 2-hour session will be dated no longer than 90 days from the end of the classroom instruction. Once the schedule is offered and accepted, it is the responsibility of the student to adhere to the accepted drive schedule, or contact the driving school as far in advance of the drive session as possible to request changes.
Refunds for Behind-The-Wheel Portion:
If a Behind the wheel Schedule is offered to the student that is within the required time frame, the BTW portion is NON-REFUNDABLE. If the BTW portion is not completed within the 90 days due to student's no show/cancelation, this will simply be reflected in the student's record. See Important Info regarding Expiration of the BTW Enrollment below.
EXPIRATION of the Behind the Wheel Portion:
Enrollment in Northwest Driving Academy's Behind the Wheel portion expires 150 days after the date of the first drive session (Teen Permit course); and 120 days after the date of the first drive session (Adult course). The expiration of the Behind the Wheel portion also applies to students who (due to no fault of NWDA) fail to participate in the Behind the wheel portion due to failure to obtain the TIP Card, pass the OMV test within the respective date ranges (above), or adhere to their previously accepted 8-hour BTW schedule,
The abovementioned student will be issued the Certificate of Completion for the Classroom portion and may opt to re-enroll in the Behind the Wheel portion at Northwest (with applicable BTW Fees), or at any Louisiana state certified commercial driving school. The Certificate of Completion for the Classroom portion may also be issued to students who do not complete payment of the behind the wheel portion by the end of the expiration period.
16. Can I get a refund of my classroom course fee?
See our Cancellation and Refund Policy HERE.
17. What if I took the Driver's Ed course at my high school, or another Driving School, can I take the Road Skills Test at NW Driving Academy?
Yes. You may take the required Road Test at NW Driving Academy, provided you bring the Certificate of Course Completion, and/TIP card, or the Louisiana issued Driver's License as proof of completing a State Approved Driver's Education course and/or holding a Louisiana driver's permit (16-year old students must have the permit for at least 180 days to qualify to take the Road Test).
18. What if I/my child fails the State OMV computerized test at the end of the class?
Any student who fails the OMV test, shall be allowed to retest once the same day, at no additional charge. The State guidelines only allows two (2) tests attempts per day. Students may return by appointment, any day thereafter and retake the written OMV test up to twice each day. A special test session (1:1/small group) Test fee in the amount of $25 will be assessed when taking the test on 'non-classroom days'.
19. What if I am not my child's 'LEGAL' Guardian, or if I am my child's step-parent?
Only a LEGAL Parent or Guardian can enroll a Minor in the Teen Permit course. If the Adult accompanying the Teen is not listed on the Birth Certificate, Legal guardianship papers must be presented. A person holding a Provisional Custody Mandate of a minor child (click link for form) may also enroll the Teen in the Teen Permit course.
20. What type of ID will I need to bring to the class and behind the wheel sessions?
Bring your TIP Card. If you do not have the TIP card before the beginning of your classroom portion, bring either your Birth Certificate and SS Card, or your Louisiana or other State ID (other forms of Acceptable ID).
In order to take the OMV computerized test and/or participate in the Behind the Wheel portion, you must bring the Louisiana TIP card.
(When allowed, a Paper TIP sheet may also be offered by NW Driving Academy).
21. What if I (my Teen) fails Behind the Wheel Portion (BTW Assessment)?
At the end of the Behind the Wheel portion, the student will be assessed by the BTW Instructor. The student will be informed of the results of the assessment and the BTW score. Students must pass the assessment (70% or higher) in order to receive a Permit or take the Road Skills Test for Full License. Please address further questions to NW Driving Academy Management.
22. What type of ID will I need to bring to the Road Test?
You must bring your Learner's Permit (TIP Card is acceptable if 17 or over). Minors must be accompanied by a Legal Parent or guardian (with their ID, and Student's Birth Certificate).
23. How much is the Road Test Fee? How long does it usually take?
Fee for Northwest Driving Academy students' Road Skills Tests and Retests (At times we may offer a cash pay discount to students who took the Driver's Course at Northwest.
Fee for Non-Northwest Driving Academy students' Road Skills Tests and Retests
NOTE: The Road Skills Test IS NOT part of Driver's Education. Because students may not be eligible to take the Road Test for a year (or longer), Road Test fees will not be charged until the test is scheduled.
The Road Test process usually takes approximately 30-45 minutes, which includes approximately 15 minutes or so for application completion and post test paperwork.
24. What if I (my Teen) fails the Road Skills Test?
If a student fails the Road Skills Test, he or she may return to retest on a future date.
Fee for Northwest Driving Academy students' Road Skills Tests and Retests (At times we may offer a cash pay discount to students who took the Driver's Course at Northwest.
Fee for Non-Northwest Driving Academy students' Road Skills Tests and Retests
Northwest Driving Academy and all of our Instructors are Approved and Certified by the State of Louisiana. We have a very high rating among our students and work diligently to offer our excellent training at a reasonable and competitive price!
2. This is all new to me. What is the Graduated License Program (GLP)?
Northwest Driving Academy will sponsor a Parent Orientation Meeting prior to your Teen's class in which the different aspects of the process will be explained. Prior to enrollment, visit the Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles website: for more info.
3. What is a TIP Card?
The TIP, Temporary Instruction Permit is required by law for participation in a Drivers Ed course in Louisiana. This requirement applies to Adult and Teen students alike. The student must have a TIP card number in order to be registered to take the OMV computerized test (administered by NW Driving Academy), at the end of the classroom portion; as well as in order to participate in the Behind-the-Wheel training.
More info about the Temporary Instruction Permit (TIP) Card.
4. How old does my teen have to be to take the Teen Permit Class?
Students attending the classroom portion must be at least 14 years and 9 months and no older than 17 years old on the first classroom day.
Students must be 15 to participate in the Behind-the-wheel portion of Driver's Education.
5. Is NW Driving Academy's class for true "Beginners"?
We SPECIALIZE in Training Beginner to medially trained students; We are SKILLED in training EVERYONE!
6. How many hours is the Driver's Education course? How often does NW Driving Academy have classes?
Teen permit course is 30 hours classroom, and 8 hours Behind-the-wheel.
Adult class is 6 hours classroom, and 8 hours Behind-the-wheel.
We have Teen Permit classes during most local public school breaks, and throughout the summer. We do not offer classroom portions or BTW training for public school students during hours while school is in session.
7. What if my Teen misses a day of the classroom portion?
See our Cancellation and Refund Policy HERE.
8. How much is the course?
Teen Permit Course
Adult Driver's License Course
Road Skills Test (aka "Road Test"
NOTE: The Road Skills Test IS NOT part of Driver's Education. Because students may not be eligible to take the Road Test for a year (or longer), Road Test fees will not be charged until the test is scheduled.
9. How do I pay the Course Fee? Can I pay online?
Once your teen's Pre-Enrollment form has been submitted, you will be automatically redirected to Northwest Driving Academy's checkout page. You may pay the down payment portion, or the full course fee. We process payments through PayPal, however, you DO NOT need a PayPal. If you prefer to pay by major debit/credit card, you may select that option during the checkout process.
10. Can I pay a "down payment" and pay the rest later or via a Payment Plan?
Adult Classes: At least $155 is due upon submitting the Enrollment form (Note: Must be paid within 24-hours of submitting the Enrollment form. The CASH balance is due day of the classroom portion (before class begins).
Teen Permit Classes: At least the $225 classroom portion/Down Payment is due upon submitting the Enrollment form (Note: Must be paid within 24-hours of submitting the Enrollment form. Cash Balance will be collected at the Parent Orientation meeting (Note: If we do not have an onsite Parent Orientation meeting for your teen's class, parents will be notified of alternative means for paying the course fee balance, which will be due the MONDAY before the first day of the classroom portion. If the class starts on Tuesday, due to a Monday holiday, the balance is due the Monday PRIOR to the week of the class.
11. What is meant by "Behind-the-Wheel" portion?
Louisiana law requires that each first-time drivers license applicant completes a Driving Course which must include 8 hours behind-the-wheel (driving). The BTW part is "hands-on" training with one of our State Certified Driving Instructors typically consisting of (4) 2-hour Drive Sessions.
12. What if I have to cancel a Behind the wheel session?
See our Cancellation and Refund Policy HERE.
13. Will there be other students in the vehicle with me (my child) during the Behind-the-Wheel training?
Our Lessons are 1:1 private Lessons unless the Adult student or Parent of a minor student requests otherwise. NWDA's course fee includes the Classroom portion, as well as the 8-hours Behind-the-Wheel training.
14. What if I have to cancel the Road Skills Test?
See our Cancellation and Refund Policy HERE.
15. Is there a deadline on completing the 8 hours Behind-the-wheel portion?
The Behind-the-wheel portion is highly dependent on the student's personal schedule and flexibility. As much as possible, Northwest Driving Academy works with our students to develop a tentative drive session schedule which works around the student's important commitments such as school activities, college, and work. Completion of the BTW portion may be delayed if there is a balance on the student's account.
Teen Permit students
[Per State of Louisiana requirements: Students will be provided with an 8-hour BTW schedule in which the final 2-hour session will be dated no longer than 120 days from the end of the classroom instruction. Once the schedule is offered and accepted, it is the responsibility of the minor student's parent/guardian to adhere to the accepted drive schedule, or contact the driving school as far in advance of the drive session as possible to request changes.
Refunds for Behind-The-Wheel Portion:
If a Behind the wheel Schedule is offered to the student/parent that is within the required time frame, the BTW portion of the course fee is NON-REFUNDABLE. If the BTW portion is not completed within the 120 days due to student's no show/cancelation, this will simply be reflected in the student's record. See Important Info regarding Expiration of the BTW enrollment below.
Adult Driver's License students
[Per State of Louisiana requirements: Students will be provided with an 8-hour BTW schedule in which the final 2-hour session will be dated no longer than 90 days from the end of the classroom instruction. Once the schedule is offered and accepted, it is the responsibility of the student to adhere to the accepted drive schedule, or contact the driving school as far in advance of the drive session as possible to request changes.
Refunds for Behind-The-Wheel Portion:
If a Behind the wheel Schedule is offered to the student that is within the required time frame, the BTW portion is NON-REFUNDABLE. If the BTW portion is not completed within the 90 days due to student's no show/cancelation, this will simply be reflected in the student's record. See Important Info regarding Expiration of the BTW Enrollment below.
EXPIRATION of the Behind the Wheel Portion:
Enrollment in Northwest Driving Academy's Behind the Wheel portion expires 150 days after the date of the first drive session (Teen Permit course); and 120 days after the date of the first drive session (Adult course). The expiration of the Behind the Wheel portion also applies to students who (due to no fault of NWDA) fail to participate in the Behind the wheel portion due to failure to obtain the TIP Card, pass the OMV test within the respective date ranges (above), or adhere to their previously accepted 8-hour BTW schedule,
The abovementioned student will be issued the Certificate of Completion for the Classroom portion and may opt to re-enroll in the Behind the Wheel portion at Northwest (with applicable BTW Fees), or at any Louisiana state certified commercial driving school. The Certificate of Completion for the Classroom portion may also be issued to students who do not complete payment of the behind the wheel portion by the end of the expiration period.
16. Can I get a refund of my classroom course fee?
See our Cancellation and Refund Policy HERE.
17. What if I took the Driver's Ed course at my high school, or another Driving School, can I take the Road Skills Test at NW Driving Academy?
Yes. You may take the required Road Test at NW Driving Academy, provided you bring the Certificate of Course Completion, and/TIP card, or the Louisiana issued Driver's License as proof of completing a State Approved Driver's Education course and/or holding a Louisiana driver's permit (16-year old students must have the permit for at least 180 days to qualify to take the Road Test).
18. What if I/my child fails the State OMV computerized test at the end of the class?
Any student who fails the OMV test, shall be allowed to retest once the same day, at no additional charge. The State guidelines only allows two (2) tests attempts per day. Students may return by appointment, any day thereafter and retake the written OMV test up to twice each day. A special test session (1:1/small group) Test fee in the amount of $25 will be assessed when taking the test on 'non-classroom days'.
19. What if I am not my child's 'LEGAL' Guardian, or if I am my child's step-parent?
Only a LEGAL Parent or Guardian can enroll a Minor in the Teen Permit course. If the Adult accompanying the Teen is not listed on the Birth Certificate, Legal guardianship papers must be presented. A person holding a Provisional Custody Mandate of a minor child (click link for form) may also enroll the Teen in the Teen Permit course.
20. What type of ID will I need to bring to the class and behind the wheel sessions?
Bring your TIP Card. If you do not have the TIP card before the beginning of your classroom portion, bring either your Birth Certificate and SS Card, or your Louisiana or other State ID (other forms of Acceptable ID).
In order to take the OMV computerized test and/or participate in the Behind the Wheel portion, you must bring the Louisiana TIP card.
(When allowed, a Paper TIP sheet may also be offered by NW Driving Academy).
21. What if I (my Teen) fails Behind the Wheel Portion (BTW Assessment)?
At the end of the Behind the Wheel portion, the student will be assessed by the BTW Instructor. The student will be informed of the results of the assessment and the BTW score. Students must pass the assessment (70% or higher) in order to receive a Permit or take the Road Skills Test for Full License. Please address further questions to NW Driving Academy Management.
22. What type of ID will I need to bring to the Road Test?
You must bring your Learner's Permit (TIP Card is acceptable if 17 or over). Minors must be accompanied by a Legal Parent or guardian (with their ID, and Student's Birth Certificate).
23. How much is the Road Test Fee? How long does it usually take?
Fee for Northwest Driving Academy students' Road Skills Tests and Retests (At times we may offer a cash pay discount to students who took the Driver's Course at Northwest.
Fee for Non-Northwest Driving Academy students' Road Skills Tests and Retests
NOTE: The Road Skills Test IS NOT part of Driver's Education. Because students may not be eligible to take the Road Test for a year (or longer), Road Test fees will not be charged until the test is scheduled.
The Road Test process usually takes approximately 30-45 minutes, which includes approximately 15 minutes or so for application completion and post test paperwork.
24. What if I (my Teen) fails the Road Skills Test?
If a student fails the Road Skills Test, he or she may return to retest on a future date.
Fee for Northwest Driving Academy students' Road Skills Tests and Retests (At times we may offer a cash pay discount to students who took the Driver's Course at Northwest.
Fee for Non-Northwest Driving Academy students' Road Skills Tests and Retests
We look forward to providing YOUR drivers education needs!
We are located just off Benton Rd in the "former" location of Christ Fit gym. Our driveway is shared with Jackson Insurance/Auto Title Agent , Allied Chiropractic Clinic, and Hair Color Guru
Hope to See you Soon!!!
We are located just off Benton Rd in the "former" location of Christ Fit gym. Our driveway is shared with Jackson Insurance/Auto Title Agent , Allied Chiropractic Clinic, and Hair Color Guru
Hope to See you Soon!!!